The New Normal - May 2021 Issue

Tips For Evangelism In The New Normal

By Pastor Bukky Olaniyan & Dannah.

As we traverse these unprecedented times and the challenges we are all faced with, the question that comes to mind is how are we expected to stay relevant and remain engaging with the Christian’s most important task in the end time.

We all know the saying that special times calls for special measures, we also can see clearly that the world all over is adapting to the special times we find ourselves. In the same vein, Christians should look at means of adapting special measures in ensuring that the gospel message is not hindered. Paul declared, “that the word of God is not bound” we must not allow pandemic or pestilence to hinder us from reaching the lost and unsaved.

At the heart of these tips lies an encounter with Christ, which should be the starting point. You can’t give what you don’t have and cannot really fake it. It is a task that requires the abiding presence of our Guide and Helper – the Holy Spirit Matthew 18:19-20.

Some of the tips I will be sharing with you will include some personal experiences and approaches I have found to be effective with the Holy Spirit enablement.

1. Steadfast prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit

The very first and most productive evangelistic outreach was delivered by the apostles on the wings of tarrying for 120 days in the place of prayer; no wonder the effect was far-reaching and brought about 3000 souls to Christ Acts 2:14-41. We need to tarry and pray if we expect God to move with soul-saving results. Prayer is the soul winner essential exercise and most indispensable tool. It should be a constant companion 1Thessalonian 5:17.

2. Social and digital space evangelism

The new norm appears for the time being to mean people are wary of standing close enough to hear you speak or strike a conversation in public spaces as was the case pre-Covid 19. Hence, it makes the normal one to one street outreach somewhat challenging as you don’t want people to be put off by your physical approach on the street.

With digital space evangelism, there is less to no physical intrusion as this can be done completely via a digital medium. Social media threads, news feeds, timeline, video upload or stream sharing are some of the new means and methods that could be employed. I have found this has been quite effective as there have been more visitors to my social media platform watching live or recorded sermons/messages since the lockdown. I was also able to arrange several meetings with colleagues, friends and friends of a friend through this medium. Some have been referred by their friends while others have joined in by seeing the invite online. John 1:42-44. Through these mediums, conversations have been started and some have been led to Christ.

3. Start a conversation – John 4:4-26

Starting a conversation can be very intimidating, especially with strangers or not so close friends such as co-workers, colleagues, neighbours etc… In the last couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to witness to some colleagues virtually. The conversations have somehow started along the lines of asking them how they were coping with the pandemic and showing interest in their wellbeing and state of mind. This led to being able to preach to them and inviting them to church programmes for further follow-up and also gave me an insight into their quest for an answer in the midst of uncertainty. The icebreaker may not be word for word the same but a common ground for discussion for many is the prevailing circumstance that has affected everyone.  

4. Street evangelism

[1]Picture of Electric Avenue Market Brixton from

This is certainly still very effective and will be as we move forward. The pandemic presents a starting point for dialogues and conversations to be held. This is a platform for the good news to be shared with compassion for the never-dying souls. We must endeavour to keep to every COVID protocol and guideline whilst we seek opportunities and ways to adapt the gospel to reach the lost. Open-air ministration, handing out tracts (wearing gloves and transparent masks), dropping of tracts in people’s homes and other strategic means whereby we can reach them. Matthew 9:36, Jude 22, 2 Peter 3:9.

I would like to know what right any man has to call himself a follower of Jesus Christ, who is not a soul winner?

R.A Tory

I had rather bring one soul to Jesus Christ than to unpick all the mystery of this wide world.

C.H. Spurgeon

You can’t sincerely say you believe in hell and not preach the gospel of Christ’s saving grace and mercy.

By the grace of God, we will win them one by one. Amen.

Other articles in this issue

The New Normal: What’s It Going To Be Like?

The Past Normal & The New Normal

New Normal vs Child’s Perspective

A Flourishing Education In The New Normal

Tips For Home Schooling

Positioning Yourself For Growth In The New Normal

Supporting Your Child’s Wellbeing In The New Normal

On The Threshold Of Mercy

The New Normal Feedback


1 Picture of Electric Avenue Market Brixton from

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