By Mr Cletus Ajibade.
The event that led us into 2020 has had a transformative effect on everyone globally, leaving us all to be creative in our work or be faded out. Amidst the social injustice and the political unrest of last year, the aftermath effect of Covid-19 will linger on our minds for a long time to come.
Nobody ever expected that we would wear a jacket on pyjamas to corporate meetings because we were all thrown into the “Zoom” world like a flip of a switch. Businesses and the workforce needed to adapt quickly to stay relevant and “working from home” became the new normal. The unemployment rate was at an all-time high across many countries, having a significant impact on global business. And as a result, we had to devise new ways to earn a living and remain relevant.
Whether you like it or not, you have to stay employed or be engaged in an income-generating craft or business for you to thrive. While many people are wallowing in the sea of despair due to the pandemic, others have capitalized on the prevailing challenges to create alternative sources of income for themselves.
So how can you remain relevant in this new normal and continue to grow in the coming years? What are the skills you need to have to navigate this unpredictable socio-economic landscape?

1. Have a Change of Mindset
Yes. You must have a change of mindset for you to scale the challenges ahead. Gone are the days when work was restricted to a physical building where people gather every day to have things done or a place where people hold critical meetings to make core business decisions. All that has changed because, since the pandemic, technology has made it possible to sit at home and still have your work done, except for frontline workers who still had to report to their workplaces. But for the vast majority of us, we immediately adjusted to the new normal. You have to come out of your comfort zone and adapt to the new system.

2. Learn a New Skill
To be relevant in today’s world and be slightly positioned above your peers vying for the same job role, you have to be willing to learn new skills. The jobs are going to those who are ready not just in their primary line of work but also in the use of various tools required for them to function efficiently. For example, if you are a seamstress or dressmaker who has always been doing things the traditional way, times have changed. You can now consider upskilling yourself by being a Personal or Wardrobe Stylist to others – they consult you, you advise them, and probably shop for them, and you make your money. But this requires you to be able to use some tools. You may need to have meetings with your clients on video calls or interpret e-designs sent to you through email. So, you have to invest your time in some of those tools that are trending in your industry.
You may ask, “what if I don’t have the money to invest in those tools?” Well, there are always alternatives. For example, Zoom may only be free for 40 minutes per session, but Google Meet gives you an additional 20 minutes to talk with your clients. An even more affordable solution is ezTalks if you want to consider a paid plan.
Also, you don’t need to buy a Photoshop license for your designs (except you do need a professional touch). You can make do with the free packages offered by Canva or Figma, plus they are online tools, so you don’t need to be bothered with any software requirements to install on your computer before using them. All it takes is opening a web browser, and you start making your designs. So, whichever sector you see yourself, there is a need to learn new skills to stay relevant.

3. Grow Your Network
One other way of securing employment today is by reaching out to people within your industry. Reach out to your friends, professional colleagues, and those in positions that can stand in for you as referees. In fact, people who work in some sectors often hear about internal job opportunities with their companies. They are even encouraged to refer candidates because organizations know that it takes an excellent employee to know another. They are given bonuses after every successful hire of their recommended candidates.
So, develop relationships with people. In your church, for example, relate with people. Fellowship together; that is the definition of the church. So, don’t forsake the assembly of the brethren. Gather together regularly and serve God with the whole of your heart. Connect with people, get to know them and have interesting conversations. In doing so, God will place people in your life who could be of help to you.

4. Showcase Your Gifts
Finally, many people have created something great out of their God-given talents or gifts. You don’t have to hide yours. Remember the parable of that servant in the Bible who hid his talent and didn’t trade with it? You don’t want to be like that servant.
Whatever you know how to do, do it well. Don’t be slothful in your business. Today’s world requires that you showcase your gifts. You are not doing it to show off; instead, you are doing it to be recognized and be well-positioned to gain paying clients.
You may need to hire a web developer to help put your web presence together and publish your content on social media; that way, people know what you do, and trust me, a time will come when they will remember you and refer clients to you.
May the Lord bless you as you prepare yourself for better opportunities in these unprecedented times.