The New Normal - May 2021 Issue

On The Threshold Of Mercy

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi.

Governments and organisations award medals and different decorations to humans for exceptional acts of valour and gallantry at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty. Let us call this horizontal recognition, where humans recognise heroic actions of fellow humans.  Let us refer to situations where mortals ascribe thanksgiving to the immortal Spirit for acts of benevolence and mercy bestowed on them as vertical recognition.

Lately, some countries have started witnessing a tangible fall in the number of infections and deaths through Covid-19 for which horizontal recognition has repeatedly been conferred on the exceptional contributions of science. At the end of the dark tunnel of the pandemic, humanity is once again on the threshold of God’s mercy for which vertical recognition remains to be overwhelmingly accorded the right of place.

Charles H Spurgeon[1]Treasury of David Psalm 36:5, writing on the mercy of God says it is “like the ethereal blue, it encompasses the whole earth, smiling upon universal nature, acting as a canopy for all the creatures of earth, surmounting the loftiest peaks of human provocations, and rising high above the mists of mortal transgression.”  The American preacher, D. March[2]Biblical Illustrator, Vol 1 – Exell Joseph S for his own part remarked that “The most profound and accurate student of nature is he whose eye is quickest to see the plan and purpose of an intelligent, governing Mind in everything that exists.” 

Recognising the sovereign might of the Intelligent Mind draws the creature closer to the Eternal One and His redemptive plan for man through His Son, Jesus Christ. It opens man up to higher revelations of the divine design of goodness and mercy laid up for every man.

Today, every reader is on the threshold of God’s mercy, if he will submit to the Higher Power that governs the universe and come to Him in voluntary surrender, renouncing all disobedience and inviting Christ, the gracious One, into their hearts. This is the right time to acknowledge God.

Other articles in this issue

The New Normal: What’s It Going To Be Like?

The Past Normal & The New Normal

New Normal vs Child’s Perspective

A Flourishing Education In The New Normal

Tips For Home Schooling

Positioning Yourself For Growth In The New Normal

Supporting Your Child’s Wellbeing In The New Normal

Tips For Evangelism In The New Normal

The New Normal Feedback


1 Treasury of David Psalm 36:5
2 Biblical Illustrator, Vol 1 – Exell Joseph S

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