The New Normal - May 2021 Issue Young Voices

New Normal vs Child’s Perspective

Thoughts on “the New Normal” by David A (10 years old).

Interviewer: Hello David. Would you like to share with us your thoughts about the New Normal?

David: The pandemic has been hard for everyone and now people are saying that we are in the New Normal. I’m not sure I am ready to accept this yet. I believe that as a country, we can recover further than where we are right now.

Interviewer: What does the New Normal look like to you and your friends?

David: One of my concerns is that if what I’ve seen so far is the New Normal then it’s going to impact several aspects of our education. In the New Normal, we might not be able to go on field trips. Last week my classmates and I were meant to go on a field trip to the parliament, but it was done using Google Meet. Having this event online had a different vibe compared to visiting the parliament yourself. Also, now we have staggered lunchtimes with my class being last. I am not very fond of this, but I am happy that I now get to complete my homework online instead of on paper.

Interviewer: What are your final thoughts about the New Normal?

David: I’m not sure I am ready to call it the New Normal yet. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

What changes caused by the pandemic do you think would or would not last?
Let us know in the comment section below.


Other articles in this issue

The New Normal: What’s It Going To Be Like?

The Past Normal & The New Normal

A Flourishing Education In The New Normal

Tips For Home Schooling

Positioning Yourself For Growth In The New Normal

Supporting Your Child’s Wellbeing In The New Normal

Tips For Evangelism In The New Normal

On The Threshold Of Mercy

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