By Emmanuel O.
It is no longer news that the ‘invention’ of the social media has changed the way we view, explore and capture moments in our lives. Case in point – the experience of Jonah at Nineveh, where he traversed the city for three days to pass a message of warning – this would have been achieved by a simple Social Media campaign that would reach millions of participants in hours, if Prophet Jonah were living in our time. Therefore, it is important to note that the art of profiting from the Social Media space is a must-have skill for every Young Adult.
To appreciate the importance of taking advantage of the Social Media space, it would be great to remind ourselves of the evolution of wealth and social influence. From measuring wealth by livestock stock and cattle, to measuring wealth by number of slaves and farmlands owned to measuring wealth by cash or stock investments, the new measure of wealth is fast switching to the quality of social media influence an individual has. For example, Elon Musk’s obsession with X (previously Twitter), is largely due to the need to establish his global dominance and control. This therefore begs the question, “how can I also benefit from the Social Media age?” Here are five things you need to know.
1. An individual with 10,000 following on a Social Media platform may arguably be richer than an individual with $10,000 and zero following across his Social Media circles.
2. Profiting from social media takes intentionality and consistency at creating content and staying visible.
3. Getting your first 1,000 following might seem very difficult, but it is the most important – it would take you less efforts to get the next 1,000 followers. Similarly, after hitting your first 10,000 following, getting to 20,000 would demand less efforts. What matters is consistency and the willingness to keep share of mind.
4. The man with 10,000 following can sell his products or services to 10% of his following multiple times using the free tools that these platforms offer, thereby justifying the need to build quality following.
5. WhatsApp is an underrated tool to start building online reputation and coverage. WhatsApp Business offers a simplified marketplace experience, with WhatsApp status helping to keep share of mind. WeChat for example, has Instant Messaging, eCommerce and payment in one space, making it easy for you to start and scale a business.
6. LinkedIn is an excellent space to build or achieve the career you desire. Building the right network and using the right description can set you up for attractive offers and opportunities. Twitter is a great platform to drive the narrative of the gospel. All these emphasise the need to build quality network. 7. Ultimately, Christian Young Adults must remember that platforms like TikTok, Snapchat and the entire Social Media space must not be left to the hands of unbelievers – we must take advantage of the Social Media space for the furtherance of the gospel and the advancement of our financial, social and career lives.