Resolution For Revolution - Jan 2022 Issue

Miracles In Modern Times

Do miracles still happen today? I once heard a fellow passenger ask the person seated beside him this question as I got off the train. I tried as much as I could but couldn’t get the question off my mind throughout the day.

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By Smart.

Do miracles still happen today?

I once heard a fellow passenger ask the person seated beside him this question as I got off the train. I tried as much as I could but couldn’t get the question off my mind throughout the day. Why, in a world beset with so many problems and inadequacies will anyone question the constant survival of the human race? The world has seemingly agreed on a consensus on the evolution of man, human psychology and habits, the science behind the human anatomy, and our general way of living but has refused to see that miracles have also always moved in phases to enhance human survival. We are sitting around waiting for miracle explosions while neglecting the miracles we experience in our daily lives. 

To deny miracles in historical times is to deny the existence of God and to deny miracles in modern times is to destroy the Gospels. Sceptics might say “I have never seen a miracle so I can’t believe in one”, this is not a sound argument as there are people in Africa who’s never seen snow but that will not disprove the existence of snow.

Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, a two-volume book by the biblical scholar Craig Keener catalogued hundreds of these modern testimonies. The book, written with detailed description tells us about countless miracles happening all around us and acts as a window for the unbeliever to look through.

Questions regarding the existence or veracity of miracles has increasingly become more prevalent. Why? The simple, straightforward answer is that man has found a way to attribute everything to science. As science has grown in leaps and bounds, it has become commonplace to attribute the supernatural to science. The common belief is that science has an explanation for everything, man no longer needs to ascribe to the spiritual that which can be explained by science. But the irony of the situation is, as man drifts away from Him that holds the universe together it is no surprise that the problems that plague humanity are on the increase. Suicide rates have never been higher, kids as young as ten years old are running to see therapists because they’re battling depression, everyone is holding their breath waiting on the cure for cancer and other deadly illnesses while abandoning an important part of human survival. In Matthew 11:28, Christ calls out “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” It is time we yield to His call and stop doubting His workings through the countless miracles that surround us daily.

As man becomes more modern, it is only proper for him to include God in his modern way and together with science strive to attain the miraculous. Christianity is both a historical religion and a living one, the miracles of God has continued to manifest themselves in the lives of those who seek and call for it (Matthew 7:7–8). In seeking the miraculous, we easily forget God’s great commitment to us in the book of Genesis 28:15  which says: ” I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go”. We live a miraculous life by our daily existence, we breathe and share our emotions with the realization that God watches over us and his commitment to our modern inadequacies ensures we see a better tomorrow. While most people are waiting for the separation of the Red Sea again or the calming of the sea of Galilee, miracles are happening in their lives on a daily basis. God is bringing calm to their lives and bringing them out of the modern problems they find themselves. The miracle of God does not obey time or epoch, it is everlasting and always present but Christians and Non-Christians alike must engage this presence and see the wonders that are being created by God both in their lives and in the world around them.


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