Read Anniversary Jan 2023 Issue

Taking God At His Word

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi.

Throughout all ages, Abraham has been credited with the title, “father of faith”, because of his choice to take God at his word. God’s command to him appeared incredible, yet he took a step into the unknown with God.

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By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi.

Throughout all ages, Abraham has been credited with the title, “father of faith”, because of his choice to take God at his word. God’s command to him appeared incredible, yet he took a step into the unknown with God. Abram’s disposition in this story illustrates faith for us as a present expectation of a future manifestation. His life poses a challenge to all mankind today that whatever may be, we must consciously resolve to live our lives every day and in everything based on the conviction that God is dependable (Numbers 23:19).

Abram had lived seventy-four years of his life in the dark abyss of spiritual irrelevance among his kindreds and ancestors who merely “begat sons and daughters” and died and no more. Until a man responds to a specific and personal revelation of God’s word for his life, his life will never be more than the ordinary.

For limitation and irrelevance to end, man needs to come out of sin and the world and repose his faith in Christ as his Lord and Saviour. For Abraham, it all began with: “…Get thee OUT…”. That is always the first word that comes from heaven to any man who desires to turn the course of his life around and the message has not changed today. God is still saying “Get thee OUT” of the life of sin because there is a better future for you in God. The connecting bridge between where you are now and God’s ordained purpose for your life lies in implicit faith in God’s word. God’s dependable “I will” generated faith in Abram and that faith was manifested in his prompt response to God’s word (Genesis 12:1-4; Numbers 23:19 & Hebrews 6:18). Abraham’s destiny, together with those within his sphere of influence was eternally changed. God is still committed to His immutable great promises. None of His counsels concerning His children is alterable, and all his promises are inviolable.

Just as Abraham expressed faith in God’s word and walked his way into his divine inheritance, your life can be raised to towering heights this year and beyond if you would hold on to God’s word from today. (Adapted from a message outline of the Deeper Life Bible Church).

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