The greatest destroyer of marriage besides infidelity and money is marital apathy. Unlike infidelity and money, there’s often no noise involved – it is a silent, slow and sure marriage killer.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
Growing Faith Through
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
Purposeful Prayer
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
Talking with God
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.
The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.