Borough Region presents
Identity: Who Am I?
Identifying your Purpose
by Sis Dorcas & Bro Kayode. Have you ever felt purposeless or felt that your existence was pointless, and you would not be missed if you disappeared? Truth is, you’re not the only one; we have all felt that way at a point in our lives. It is one of the greatest questions that have…
Living your purpose
It may sound like a cliché to say that everyone was created by God for a purpose, but it is the truth. You have a unique purpose for being on earth and when you don’t manifest it, you deny the world a chance to enjoy the benefits of the God-customised you (please see Romans 8:19).…
Identity Mirage and Confusion
Identity confusion arises from inner confusion, rejection of self and allowing the society to redefine that standard by which we define ourselves. If such an individual is lacking in self-confidence, such a one will allow others to define them, leading to self-rejection.