by Bro Kayode
The crisis of identity in today’s world is alarming. There is a gender and sexual identity crisis unlike what we’ve ever seen before. The question that comes to mind is, why all these conflagrations of sexual identity crisis in recent years. Even the authorities are beginning to have problems now: struggling with which prison to put a convicted transwoman, who was born a man. In sport, transwomen are beating their natural women counterparts and the authorities are at loss what to do about this apparent undue masculine advantage. For the first time in human existence, what it means to be a woman or man is no longer certain. The leader of a major UK political party was asked by a popular radio host if a woman can have a male organ. After struggling with the concept for a while, he resorted to political correctness monologue and sought to avoid answering the question directly. He’s not alone in this dilemma.

These sudden liberal awakening had its roots in the sexual revolution of the 70s when the western societies started losing its innocence having largely become a secular society after the end of the second world war and the industrialisation and urbanisation that followed. Basically, family values and the church culture were lost as family identity became replaced by individualism and free expression. The advent of social media was the catalyst that gave ultra-liberals access to wider community of like minds and thus creating pressure groups that pushed liberal ideologies with ever increasing intensity.
Identity confusion arises from inner confusion, rejection of self and allowing the society to redefine that standard by which we define ourselves. If such an individual is lacking in self-confidence, such a one will allow others to define them, leading to self-rejection. Once self is rejected, such individual is basically out on shopping looking for a new identity. With social media and peer pressure on hand, it won’t take time before such an individual is sold a false identity, an identity that is totally contrary to his original intent.

What prior to now, will be a tempting notion not to be verbalized or expressed, is now actively encouraged to be experimented with. With the bedrock of family, culture and religion is destroyed, the floodgate of abnormalities has been swung wide open. With no boundaries, it’s open season for all and sundry to establish their own identities and orientations with no one to question or put them to shame. With secularity and intellectualism, the pendulum of morality has swung far away from Christian morality to secular or social morality, which is defined in terms of ‘fairness to all’. Hence, if it does not hurt anyone, then it’s not wrong. Having jettisoned the God of the bible, the very uniqueness of man – created in the image of God – is challenged. In the absence of God, man can be a monkey, a fish, an atom or simply an accident of nature; coming from nowhere and going nowhere. That has left many cut adrift from the anchor of God, leaving themselves to be defined by every thought that crosses their mind. Someone has said when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Hence, if man does not know why he’s here or by whom he came into being for that matter, then self-abuse is inevitable.

There is therefore very little wonder thousands are struggling with their sexual identity. Many, who before now would have sought support to overcome their unconventional leanings, are now encouraged to embrace and experiment with unwholesome lifestyles. These choices are not without their consequences as research shows the rate of suicide among the LGBT community far surpasses that of those outside that community. When standards are removed, confusion is bound to reign. When natural conventions are challenged, it’s bound to lead to identity confusion.
Right in the beginning of the bible in Genesis, we’re made to know God create us male and female. He also instituted the marriage for male and female. Challenging these conventions and institutions has led to untold confusion, family breakdown and mental disturbance in many impressionable young people and adults alike. When we return to God and his word, we start realigning with our true image and begin to find peace, meaning and purpose.
Our physical design (male and female) points us to the nature of a triune God, an eternal communion of persons whose image we bear. Nothing reflects that image more than when two become one as husband and wife and enter into the intended design of conjugal love. Sexual health begins by understanding that our sex (male or female) is fixed in us at our creation and not a social construct or individual choice subject to alteration by the person created. Far too many adolescents listen to peers, the media and even authority figures pushing them to “come out” or declare themselves to be something other than what God made them to be. This can trap them in the mistaken idea that one’s desires (even if short-term) dictate one’s identity.
The only way out of this identity confusion and mirage is acknowledging the Creator’s intent: “In the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Gen.1:27). We are not an accident of chance. We did not descend from primates. God intentionally created us male or female. No one was accidentally placed in the wrong body – God does not make mistake. Each and every one of us is unique, and wonderfully made with care (Psalm 139:14). Any thought, imagination, feelings, inclination or school of thought that encourages otherwise or suggests we can be born in the wrong body should be rejected. Just like no one will encourage anyone to remain addicted to dangerous drugs just because the addicted person feels inclined that way, so no one should be encouraged to embrace a notion that runs contrary to nature. As with cases of addiction, we seek help, and the best place to get help is from the Manufacturer, our Manufacturer – God. If you’re experiencing an auto problem, you approach the Maker for solution. If you’re experiencing sexual identity confusion, you approach your Maker – you’re malfunctioning, you need him to get you fixed. Let no one tell you that noise in your engine is okay, let no one tell you those that same sex inclination is okay or that feeling of being born the wrong sex is natural – it is not. It is something that needs to be taken to God, your Manufacturer in prayer. As you hand over yourself to your Maker, he goes to work by realigning you with his original intent and reworks his image in you. There’s nothing as wholesome, fulfilling, and joyous as thriving as the Maker intends and ultimately fulfilling his purpose. Any other thing will lead to frustration, unhappiness and misery.
Staying true to God’s original design is where true happiness can be found. When God wanted to create fish, he spoke to the sea. When God wanted to create trees, he spoke to the earth. But when God wanted to create man, he turned to Himself and said “Let us make man in our image and likeness”. If you take a fish out of the water, it will die; and when you remove a tree from the ground, it dies. Similarly, when man disconnects from God, he dies spiritually because the real you is the spirit man in you – the flesh we all see if just a casing. The only way we can thrive is by connecting with our source, the one that made us – God. That can be done by prayer: turning to him and asking him to come and take up his place in our heart and life. Also, seeking fellowship in a lively church is also very important. By altering your environment and the people you fellowship with Christians, we begin to alter our environment, our mindset and our way of life. There’s no lasting joy in an unplugged life: get plugged-in with God and let true and full life begin to flow into you. Get plugged in today.
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