By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi.
If mankind has anything to learn from history, it is the resilience imbued in humans by God. Mankind has always bounced back from the bleak brink of extermination occasioned by disasters and plagues.
History contains numerous records of different plagues and pandemics that ravaged humanity; from Miaozigou in North-Eastern China to the bubonic plague that sounded the death knell of the Byzantine civilization. From the great plague of London that wiped out 15% of its entire population in 1665-1666 to the recent West African Ebola that claimed eleven and half thousand lives. But then, the promise of God for hopeless humanity stands firm that the earth shall not be wiped out by any natural disaster or epidemic (Genesis 9:11, Genesis 8:21-22).

The mind of the natural man only believes predictions that are backed up by abundant evidence, but God who calls “those things which be not as though they were” formed the world by His infallible word. He took Prophet Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones and asked His prophet if the bones could live again (Ezekiel 37:1-14).
Scientists are unanimous in their conclusion that the mass skeletons found in Miaozigou were the result of a prehistoric devastating epidemic, but only eternity has the answer to the cause of the dry bones in Prophet Ezekiel’s vision. It stands to reason then that Ezekiel who knew God’s way of operation tossed the question back to Him and eventually, God breathed the breath of life unto those lifeless bones and they lived again.

Mankind will outlive the current pandemic. Rest assured that there will be calmness after the storm and life will be rebuilt. The word of God brings hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and comfort to the bereaved. God is true to His word and will certainly bring it to pass, the sun will rise again and beam its smile on the earth.
Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. He will command peace unto every guilt-laden soul that comes to him in sincere contrition. Simply repent of all known sins and accept His lordship over your entire life and you will experience lasting peace and joy in your heart. With Christ, you cannot be hopeless.
2 replies on “Hope In The Valley Of Vision”
Hello Just reading pastor funsho your written comments about Ezekiel and the valley of the dry-bones – I have also had this passage on my mind constantly in the last few months’ and the Holy Spirit has enthused me to pray’ to pray for the people with Covid 19 to pray that god will breath new life into them. May god bless and sustain you. Regards Marilyn Recknell
Thank you Pastor for your message of Hope and reminding us that this has all happened before. 15% of London is a shocking statistic!