By Lucas.
Does God care?
About decisions I make, from the moment I’m awake,
To that point at night, when in sleep I unwind?
Yes, He cares. He cares all the same.
Does God care?
About choices I make, on what to eat and what to wear?
In the morn, noon, or night.
Yes, He cares. He cares all the same.
Does God care?
About what I choose to do when my options are clear? Like the blue evening’s sky,
Or dark and dreary, like the midnight’s gloom.
Yes, He cares. He cares just the same.
Decision making is an incredibly important part of our lives. It influences and affects everything that relates to us. Wherever you are right now or wherever you want to get to, in all facets of your life, a sum of all your decisions got you there, or will get you there. We make countless decisions every day, from the moment we wake up till we hit our bed at night. Some are simple and easy to make, while others are not. But we mostly only tend to involve God in the big ones, the terribly difficult ones. We believe we can wing the smaller ones on our own or do not particularly want to bother Him. But God is interested in all, he cares about every aspect of your life. I Peter 5:7 says to “cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you” – all cares!
The plans and purpose of God for you becomes reality through a combination of all the little decisions you make every day, you might as well commit them into His hands. Psalm 37:5 says to “commit your ways unto the Lord, trust in Him; and He will bring it to pass”. It does not get more emphatic than that. If you have made the biggest decisions of all, by coming to the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ in salvation, you are already a member of God’s nuclear family. As a father cares about the wellbeing of his child, much more than that, God does!
Nothing is too small or too big to ask for His input. In a world, as terribly dark as ours, we need God’s light more than ever before. We have His promise in Isaiah 30:21, “your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you, a voice will say, this is the way you should go, whether to the right or to the left”.
Christian, rest easy, God cares about you. About everything that concerns you, even seemingly insignificant things like your decisions.