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Category: Resolution For Revolution – Jan 2022 Issue
The humblest of men in Christ is, by all standards, higher than the highest of men without Christ. An encounter with Jesus Christ marks the beginning of a tremendous revolution in the life of the sincere seeker.
Do miracles still happen today? I once heard a fellow passenger ask the person seated beside him this question as I got off the train. I tried as much as I could but couldn’t get the question off my mind throughout the day.
A new year often presents a fresh slate for making changes. Resolutions have become a common phenomenon at the beginning of each new year. According to a poll carried out by YouGov UK, 12% of UK adults made a new year resolution in 2020.
Without a firm foundation, any building, no matter how beautiful it appears to the natural eye, is of little or no value. For that building to stand and face the elements, be it rain, snow, storms, etc. the foundation must be worth its weight in gold.
Career dis-satisfaction reflects in many ways. Find out more.
We must be willing to make sacrifices, relinquish certain things which might be legitimate and allow God to lead us to make resolutions that will revolutionise our lives
The greatest destroyer of marriage besides infidelity and money is marital apathy. Unlike infidelity and money, there’s often no noise involved – it is a silent, slow and sure marriage killer.
A revolution is defined as ‘a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system’ (Google Dictionary, 2022). Throughout history, there are many examples of this taking place – the most influential and arguably most significant of these revolutions include:
How will the old you in 2021 become a new you in 2022?