Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

A Personal Reflection – Illustrated

From gloom to hope. The events of last year and the positives that came from it (in a story format). By Shalom O, 11.

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

One Last Thing!

By David A, 10. Lockdown has been hard and okay at the same time. I know it was for the better and to keep us safe. So at the start, I was pretty happy, but further in, I realized that I was not so happy because I missed my friends, my teachers and all of…

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

2020: What An Experience (A Poem)

A poem by an 11 year old on her year 2020 experience.

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

Lockdown Was A Sudden And Irritating Experience!

A personal reflection by an 11 year old on the first lockdown.