Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue

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Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue

Hope In The Valley Of Vision

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi. If mankind has anything to learn from history, it is the resilience imbued in humans by God. Mankind has always bounced back from the bleak brink of extermination occasioned by disasters and plagues. History contains numerous records of different plagues and pandemics that ravaged humanity; from Miaozigou in North-Eastern China to…

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue

A Happy Home During The Pandemic

By Sis Marjorie. Is it really possible to have a happy home during a time of so much suffering and pain?  The answer is definitively: “Yes”.  This may, on the surface, appear far-fetched but in all honesty, there is an element of truth in the statement: “life is what you make it”. January 1st 2020…

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Youths and Young Adults

Your Mind And Wellbeing

By Dannah. by definition: your mind your wellbeing your health Other articles in this issue

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Youths and Young Adults

There’s A Light (A Poem)

I’m all alone, it’s lonely, its dark inside
There’s no one to call friend by my side
I’m all alone, clouded by my thoughts
In a net of my feelings, I’m caught
I’m alone, no one understands me
Dizzy spells, blurred lines that’s all I see
I’m all alone, everything seems to mock me
Suicide says if I take my life, I’ll be free

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Youths and Young Adults

Education During The Pandemic

By Lucas A. As the clock hit 00:00 to herald the new year on that cold, bone-chilling morning of 1st January 2020, no one could predict what was in store for humanity. To say that the Year 2020 was unprecedented would be understating an obvious fact in so many ways. The Covid-19 virus touched, disrupted…

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

A Personal Reflection – Illustrated

From gloom to hope. The events of last year and the positives that came from it (in a story format). By Shalom O, 11.

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

One Last Thing!

By David A, 10. Lockdown has been hard and okay at the same time. I know it was for the better and to keep us safe. So at the start, I was pretty happy, but further in, I realized that I was not so happy because I missed my friends, my teachers and all of…

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

2020: What An Experience (A Poem)

A poem by an 11 year old on her year 2020 experience.

Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

Lockdown Was A Sudden And Irritating Experience!

A personal reflection by an 11 year old on the first lockdown.