Grace & Truth
May 2023 issue
Back To The Book!
Read the Bible. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully, meditatively, devotionally, and study it constantly, perseveringly and industriously. Read it through and through until it becomes part of your being. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and obey it to be holy now and happy forever
Pastor W.F Kumuyi, read more here
Welcome to the May 2023 edition of Grace & Truth. We would explore what is so special about the Bible and why we as individuals and society reject the Bible (God’s word) at our peril!
What is the Bible?
The Origin of the Bible
The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is the only source of knowledge from the Almighty God to all mankind. It is the contact point between finite man and the Infinite God, and its prime purpose is to give mankind a revelation of God
ChatGPT vs The Bible
The online & AI-powered chatbot “ChatGPT has been getting a lot and I mean A LOT of attention lately… but how does it perform when we ask it about spiritual things?
A – Z Bible Tips for Daily Christian Living & Growth
Abstain from sin, Be bold, Christ died for our sins, Deny yourself, Earnestly contend for the faith…
A Manual For Entrepreneurs: The Bible
How can the Bible help you as an entrepreneur? Watch the video in this article for find out.
Raising Our Children & Youth With Principles From The Bible
These principles are more applicable now that the world has been flooded with moral decadence. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). A child is the testament of the parent’s impact and commitments in their life, but when grown…
Believers Health – Part 1
In this verse John is praying not only for the believers to prosper spiritually but also physically. The verse stresses something that is not often taught among Christians, not only does God want you to do well spiritually, but holistically, He cares about all of you. There are some key aspects of health that the…
Believer’s Health – Part 2
Emotional health describes how we think, feel, and relate to ourselves and others (intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships). Few tips to improve your emotional wellbeing;
Life in the Book
By Dannah
We read the Bible so that the life, passion, and ministry of Christ might be reproduced in us
Pastor W.F Kumuyi, read more here