Facing Forward - Jan 2021 Issue Young Voices

One Last Thing!

By David A, 10.

Lockdown has been hard and okay at the same time. I know it was for the better and to keep us safe. So at the start, I was pretty happy, but further in, I realized that I was not so happy because I missed my friends, my teachers and all of that stuff. To be fair I actually like how lockdown and corona have given me more free time to spend with my family. Lockdown has helped me to concentrate on something important; the mental health of others and myself.

I know that lockdown has affected many people in different ways and yeah it’s hard, but for instance, if you look at lockdown in a different way you could really see that lockdown has not only improved us as a country but also as a planet. Just think about what can happen when we put our minds to it and lockdown has done exactly that, it has freed time and space to just think.

Corona has made us think about how to work together to make the vaccine we now we have. Some might say that I’m just trying to act sophisticated, but I’m not this is from the heart. But there’s one thing you might have thought I missed out – God. No! I was saving this for last because you know the saying ‘best for last’.

Corona has made us spend more time with God because we have had more time by being at home doing our work or if you’re like me having school closed. So I think of Corona giving us a certain boost that we could not have made by ourselves.

Did the lockdown cause you to spend more time with God?
Let us know in the comment section below.


Other articles in this issue

2020AD: The Year of Tears

Lockdown Was A Sudden And Irritating Experience!

2020: What An Experience (A Poem)

A Personal Reflection – Illustrated

Education During The Pandemic

There’s A Light (A Poem)

Your Mind And Wellbeing

A Happy Home During The Pandemic

Hope In The Valley Of Vision

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