Deepening - Feb 2024 Issue

Growing Faith Through

The world is waiting for bold and faithful witnesses for Christ, both in words and actions.


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By Youths.

When the waves of life swell around you, consider the faith of Peter as he stepped out onto the water towards Jesus. It was a literal step of faith, walking towards the embodiment of divine love and power. This moment, captured in Matthew 14:29, where Jesus says, “Come,” and Peter walks on water, is a vivid picture of faith in action. It reminds us that when we fix our eyes on Christ and step out in faith, we are capable of more than we can imagine—even walking amidst the tumultuous seas of life without sinking.

Ephesians 3:17-18 – A Measure of Love

Verse to Embrace

Carry these verses with you as a reminder of the dimensions of Christ’s love. May they guide you in your journey to deeper faith and more meaningful prayer.

Cultivating Strength through Prayer
In the soil of your soul, faith is a seed that blossoms with care. Prayer is the water that nourishes it, and love is the sunlight that encourages it to flourish. Ephesians 3:17-18 speaks to this tender care, urging us to let Christ dwell in our hearts through faith, rooted and established in love, so that we may grasp the magnitude of His love.

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