Borough Region presents
Read Anniversary
Welcome to our first edition for 2023!!
In this issue we would be taking a look back at some of the contents we have produced so far. Our aim is to highlight the key lessons from each issue and point you to the articles you cannot but read (again).
Identity: Who Am I? (April 2022)
The big questions we always ask is
WHO am I?
WHAT is my purpose?
WHY am I here?
HOW do I find my purpose?
WHEN will I achieve that purpose?
Not being able to answer these questions and not having all the answers can sometimes leave us confused, worried and even anxious.
Want some guidance? Why not take a look at the following article:
Identifying your Purpose

by Sis Dorcas & Bro Kayode. Have you ever felt purposeless or felt that your existence was pointless, and you would not be missed if…
To read the entire issue, please see below:
Resolution For Revolution (Jan 2022)
At the start of every new year, resolutions are made – but how many are actually able to keep their resolutions and bring about a revolution in their lives?
It’s 2023, what’s the one revolution you need most? Find out in the following article:
The One Revolution You Need

A revolution is defined as ‘a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system’ (Google Dictionary, 2022). Throughout history,…
Are you going through a rough patch in your marriage? Ready to fight for your marriage in 2023? It’s not too late to reignite it. Read ‘Reignite your marriage’ for tips on how to achieve this:
Reignite Your Marriage

The greatest destroyer of marriage besides infidelity and money is marital apathy. Unlike infidelity and money, there’s often no noise involved – it is a…
Out with the old and in with the new – have you got what it takes to stay committed?
How Committed Are You To Your 2022 Resolution

A new year often presents a fresh slate for making changes. Resolutions have become a common phenomenon at the beginning of each new year. According…
Peace In The Midst Of The Storm (November 2021)
Life is like a sea voyage. Sometimes the sea would be calm i.e. everything seems to be going as planned. However, at other times the storms would rage and you might go into despair.
In this edition we discussed how storms always have an end; the importance of never seeing your situation as impossible and the peace that should accompany every Christian family.
Peace In The Christian Family

Creating a peaceful home is a spiritual act. As Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be…
Possibilities Even In The Storm

Too many people see too much of the impossible than the possible. Everyone loves the juicy gossip and the fact that social media has gone…
Storms Always Have An End

Whether it be in our school or our places of work, we will pass through many storms of life also known as challenges. The storms…
Does God Care? (July 2021)
God’s mystery of care for human is demonstrated through God’s prerogative of mercy to a condemned people. (Roman 5:8)
God’s Prerogative Of Mercy

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi. to grant royal pardons to persons sentenced to death. Similar to this is the executive clemency in the United States of…
The long overdue narrative “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?”
God cares about every little issues of your life name it; your health, decisions, success, business, career, relationship.
The New Normal! (May 2021)
How do we support our children to thrive with their education in 2023?
Facing Forward (Jan 2021)
You may have gone through a rough patch in 2022, but there’s always hope of a better 2023
Hope In The Valley Of Vision

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi. If mankind has anything to learn from history, it is the resilience imbued in humans by God. Mankind has always bounced…
Pastor’s Corner
Taking God At His Word

By Pastor Funsho Fabiyi. Throughout all ages, Abraham has been credited with the title, “father of faith”, because of his choice to take God at…