Identity: Who Am I? - Apr 2022 Issue

Question: Who am I? Who are you?

The definition you give today might not always hold and it most likely would never fully describe who you truly are (and I am almost certain there are things about yourself you would never share out loud and would even wish to forget)

by Bro Samuel

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At face value, the question seems ridiculous! However, if you pause and attempt to answer it, as accurately and precisely as possible, you might struggle.

If you said you are Alice Smith born to Robert and Catherine Smith on 13th January 1993 at Lambeth Hospital, even that might not be unique to you. It is not out of the realm of possibility that there is another Alice Smith with such a background (ever tried searching your name on Google?). Needless to say, such a definition says more about things external to you than about you personally.

Furthermore, the definition you give today might not always hold and it most likely would never fully describe who you truly are (and I am almost certain there are things about yourself you would never share out loud and would even wish to forget).

Nevertheless, there is someone who knows you even more than you do 😲, and crucially he knows who you should be.

He is none other than your Creator/Manufacturer.

In a post-modern world, where even the definition of a woman is now in doubt, finding out what our creator has destined, defined, and desired us to be is the most refreshing and cleareyed thing we can do 🙂.

So please join us as we look at several topics under the theme “Who am I?” and please feel free to let us know your thoughts in the comment section or by email.


Identity: Who Am I? – Feedback

Defining your Space in your Career

Master your Manufacturer’s Manual: A-Z Reminder

Identity Mirage and Confusion

Living your purpose

Identifying your Purpose

Maintaining your Identity in a Post-Modern World

Creation or Coincidence?

Divine Deed Poll

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