Peace in the Midst of the Storm - Nov 2021 Issue Youths and Young Adults

Education And The Search For Inner Peace

How does one find inner peace in order to make the best out of the educational system? Here are a few tips.

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By Smart.

Modern-day education is a constant battle between good and evil, light and darkness, peace and war and the daily challenges of survival. The constant search for perfection occasioned by the increased pressure demanded by the modern academic environment has led many students to commit suicide and also many others to lose faith in humanity.  The suicide rate for those aged ten to twenty-four has increased by fifty percent over the last two decades[1]Center for Disease Control 2020. According to the Center of Collegiate Mental Health at Penn State University, Anxiety and Depression, in that order are now the most common mental health diagnoses among college students. With such pressure from our educational system and the cacophony of noise from our environment, how does one find inner peace in order to make the best out of the educational system? Here are a few tips.

  1. Education is a lifelong process.

The number one mistake that most people make is that they take education as just a phase in their life that will come and go, this mindset makes it seem like education is a hurdle that must be surmounted immediately. This creates unnecessary pressure and makes lots of student’s think of quick-fix solutions when they cannot find immediate ones to their problems. The saying “An unexamined life is not worth living” epitomises the lifelong process of education,  students should see education as a constant examination of their purpose on earth,  a journey they must be devoted to while seeking to go it at a pace that both conform to their standard and their goals in life. In their search for perfection they mustn’t leave their “self” behind, mustn’t listen to peer pressure, mustn’t believe that they’re in a battle with other students other than themselves and most importantly always know that the race is not for the swift but the Lord that show mercies[2]So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. Romans 9:16.

  1. Make Good Friends and Reach out to them.

No one should go through life alone and as education is a lifelong process it is important that we go through it with friends and family, people who care and will like to see us do well in life. A student must be conscious in selecting friends as it is vital to have a circle of friends you do not compete with but grow with. When faced with insurmountable challenges you should develop the habit of reaching out to friends, teachers and family members. Talking to others about your problem helps you demystify the complexities of such problems, some in your circle have gone through it already and come prepared with a solution. Experience, they say, is the best teacher, but the experience of others is even a better teacher.

  1. Always be Prepared.

The height that great men reached and kept was not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept were toiling upward in the night. Many students want to get to the glitz and glamour without going through the process, preparation is the mother of confidence, when you are prepared it is easier to maintain your calm. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can achieve today. Procrastination adds unnecessary pressure to a student’s educational life.

  1. Have a Time for Daily Reflection.

Being at peace with your inner self creates a positive atmosphere for a student to have a fruitful educational life and a good way to achieve inner peace is to set out time on a daily basis to reflect on things that matter to you and the best way to go about surmounting your challenges. You must draw from your spiritual to make your physical an easy journey. The God effect cannot be overemphasized as your journey through life should be anchored on Him. The book of Mathew 11 vs 28 and 30 tells us that we should bring our pressure unto Him and He will give us rest, we should take up His yoke because His burden is light. Who is best to examine your life with you than the One who gave you the life. You must draw closer to God because He is the Author and Finisher of your faith.

The modern day demand of education is driving many to live a short and unhappy life, many are drowning in too much pressure that they look for quick fix solutions to their challenges – solutions that often do not give the right result on the long term. A life raft has been thrown by God to help you navigate the muddy water of your educational life. Always remember that education is a lifelong process, ensure you keep good company and form the habit of reaching out to them, don’t procrastinate and always be prepared and finally call on God today and he will answer you. 

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1 Center for Disease Control 2020
2 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. Romans 9:16

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