Borough Region presents
The November 2021 issue of Grace & Truth:
In the midst of the
Main Articles
You see, life is like a voyage, and the circumstances of life are like the weather. Sometimes there is smooth sailing. But at other times…
Storms Always Have An End

Whether it be in our school or our places of work, we will pass through many storms of life also known as challenges. The storms…
Enjoying Peace Despite Challenges: Examples in Our Time.
The Bible is filled with examples of people who experienced peace despite unpleasant external situations around them. History is also littered with several believers like…
Peace Be Still – Poem

The waves of my heart roared through the night Fear, despair, confusion – all in sight Which way – left or right?
Finding Peace During Difficult Financial Situations
The general tendency of most of us is to panic and get into “conservation mode” when we experience financial turbulence or there is a national…
Possibilities Even In The Storm
Too many people see too much of the impossible than the possible. Everyone loves the juicy gossip and the fact that social media has gone…
Academics & Family
Education And The Search For Inner Peace

How does one find inner peace in order to make the best out of the educational system? Here are a few tips.
Peace In The Christian Family

Creating a peaceful home is a spiritual act. As Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be…
Looking To Next Year
Reflecting On 2021, Going Into 2022
The year 2020 will be remembered as the year the world stood still and 2021 as the one where it attempted to make a comeback.…
Editor’s Pick ⭐
Finding Inner Peace In The Eye Of The Storm
Inner peace is that state of calmness in the soul irrespective of happenings all around. Life is a rollercoaster of all sorts of experiences that…
The Tongue In The Eye Of The Storm
It is at such critical time that man’s tongue kicks in to either save or slay the sufferer. The agony and anger in the heart…